
ロシア、欧州便のルート変更拒否 ベラルーシ記者拘束問題:AFPBB News

ベラルーシの反体制派ジャーナリスト、ロマン・プロタセビッチ(Roman Protasevich)氏(26)が乗った航空機が首都ミンスク緊急着陸し、同氏が逮捕された問題で、欧州航空各社は、ベラルーシ領空を迂回(うかい)するルート変更をロシア側に拒否されたと明かした。……欧州連合EU)諸国は、プロタセビッチ氏の身柄拘束を受け、ベラルーシ航空各社による域内上空の飛行を禁止。EUは加盟各国の航空会社にベラルーシ領空を飛行しないよう要請している。
 オーストリア航空(Austrian Airlines)は27日、ロシア当局がベラルーシ領空を迂回するルート変更を承認しなかったため、ウィーン─モスクワ間のフライトを取りやめたと発表。仏航空大手エールフランスAir France)のパリ発モスクワ行きの便も26日、同様の理由でキャンセルとなった。

ソ連、1972年2島決着目指す 対日平和条約案判明 | 共同通信


仏 マクロン大統領 ルワンダの民族虐殺における責任認める | NHKニュース


藻類のたんぱく質で視力回復、光遺伝学を応用=フランスの研究 - BBCニュース

医学誌「Nature Medicine」に発表されたこの研究では、光遺伝学と呼ばれる手法を用い、藻類のたんぱく質を使って目の後ろ側にある視細胞を制御した。……網膜色素変性症は、全世界に200万人以上の患者がいる。完全に失明することはまれだが、この男性は過去20年にわたって視覚を失っていた。

レアル・マドリード、ジダン監督の退任を正式発表「決定を尊重し、感謝するとき」 | サッカーキング


News Headlines - 27 May 2021

The Virus Lab Theory’s New Credibility - WSJ

President Biden on Wednesday ordered U.S. intelligence to dig deeper into the origins of Covid-19, a reversal after he reportedly ordered a State Department investigative unit shut down. Mr. Biden is trying to cover for his embarrassing closure of the investigation because the dam has finally broken on the evidence that the virus may have escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). The shame is that it took so long because the suspicious facts have been apparent from the start.

Barring Armageddon, the Tokyo Olympics will go ahead, says IOC committee member Dick Pound | Evening Standard

The Tokyo Olympics will go ahead as planned unless struck by an unprecedented “Armageddon”, according to leading International Olympic Committee member Dick Pound.
Doubts have been emerging in recent weeks about the delayed Games going ahead as planned with as much as 80 per cent of the public opposed to it and just 2% of the population vaccinated.
But Pound, the longest-serving IOC member, who was also the founding president of the World Anti-Doping Agency, said he was fully confident the Games would begin on July 23 as anticipated.

Tokyo Olympics Dubbed ‘Rings of Fire’ on Scorching Heat Threat - Bloomberg

Athletes are increasingly being asked to compete in environments that are becoming “too hostile” for the human body, the British Association for Sustainable Sport (BASIS) said in a report released Wednesday titled “Rings of Fire: How Heat Could Impact the 2021 Tokyo Olympics.”
The impact is likely to be felt this summer in Japan, which has experienced record-breaking heat waves in recent years. Tokyo’s mean temperature has climbed by 2.86 degrees Celsius since 1900, more than three times as fast as the world’s average, the report said.

Jeff Bezos to formally step down as Amazon CEO on July 5

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos will step down on July 5, turning the helm over to cloud-computing boss Andy Jassy... Amazon announced in February that Bezos would leave his post later this year. Bezos will transition to executive chairman of Amazon’s board and is expected to dedicate more time toward initiatives like the Bezos Earth Fund, his Blue Origin spaceship company, The Washington Post and the Amazon Day 1 Fund.

Switzerland walks out of seven-year treaty talks with EU | The Guardian

Switzerland has walked out of talks on a closer trading relationship with the European Union despite being offered better terms than the UK in key areas, EU officials have claimed... Switzerland, while outside the EU, is the bloc’s fourth biggest trading partner and its economy is closely integrated with those of the 27 member states. Citizens of Switzerland and the EU member states have a mutual right to free movement.
But the Swiss government claimed it could not accept the EU’s demands to maintain and deepen ties as they would be rejected in a legally required referendum on a deal.


日産、英にEV電池工場: 日本経済新聞


アマゾンは反トラスト法違反--米ワシントンDC司法当局が提訴 - CNET Japan

米ワシントンDCのKarl Racine司法長官が米国時間5月25日、Eコマース最大手のAmazonを提訴したことを明らかにした。同氏によれば、Amazonは同社運営のマーケットプレイスを利用するサードパーティー事業者の商品価格設定に非常に大きな影響力を有しており、それが消費者の購入価格の上昇につながっているという。またAmazonは出品業者が他の小売サイトでより安く商品を販売する権利を奪うことができ、それが反トラスト法に違反しているとしている。……Amazonは2019年に、出品業者が同社のマーケットプレイス以外でより低い価格で商品を販売することを明示的に禁止する契約条項を削除した。しかしRacine氏によると、類似の条項が今でも有効で、それによって実質的にその制約が残っているという。

受精卵の培養14日超も容認、国際学会が新指針…技術進歩受け : 読売新聞オンライン


大坂なおみ、全仏で会見拒否表明 「アスリートの心の健康無視」と | 共同通信


米加メキシコで路線網 鉄道会社で初―カナディアン・ナショナル:時事ドットコム


News Headlines - 26 May 2021

Trump investigation: Manhattan district attorney convenes grand jury to hear evidence, weigh potential charges - The Washington Post

Manhattan's district attorney has convened the grand jury that is expected to decide whether to indict former president Donald Trump, other executives at his company or the business itself, should prosecutors present the panel with criminal charges, according to two people familiar with the development.
The panel was convened recently and will sit three days a week for six months. It is likely to hear several matters - not just the Trump case - during its term, which is longer than a traditional New York state grand-jury assignment, these people said. Like others, they spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation. Generally, special grand juries such as this are convened to participate in long-term matters rather than to hear evidence of crimes charged routinely.
The move indicates that District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr.’s investigation of the former president and his business has reached an advanced stage after more than two years. It suggests, too, that Vance thinks he has found evidence of a crime - if not by Trump, by someone potentially close to him or by his company.

Amazon to buy MGM Studios for $8.45 billion

Amazon said Wednesday it will acquire MGM Studios for $8.45 billion, marking its boldest move yet into the entertainment industry and turbocharging its streaming ambitions.
The deal is the second-largest acquisition in Amazon’s history, behind its $13.7 billion purchase of Whole Foods in 2017.
Amazon said it hopes to leverage MGM’s storied filmmaking history and wide-ranging catalog of 4,000 films and 17,000 TV shows to help bolster Amazon Studios, its film and TV division.

Cheese photo leads to Liverpool drug dealer's downfall - BBC News

A drug dealer was tracked down after sharing a photo of Stilton cheese.
Carl Stewart, 39, was identified through his fingerprints after police analysed the image he posted in an online chat.
He was jailed for 13 years and six months after admitting conspiracy to supply heroin, cocaine, ketamine and MDMA at Liverpool Crown Court.

French PR video for Tokyo Games goes viral | NHK WORLD

France Televisions, which plans to broadcast the games, made the roughly one-minute video to look like "ukiyo-e" woodblock prints. It features a sumo wrestler in a traditional Japanese landscape playing sports added for the Tokyo Olympics.
The wrestler surfs on a giant wave, skateboards down the roof of a Buddhist temple, and climbs a rock wall using his bare hands.
The video released on Twitter last Wednesday was seen by 1.5 million people in two days.

Malaysia train accident: More than 200 injured after two trains collide in Kuala Lumpur - CNN

More than 200 people were injured in Malaysia on Monday when two trains collided in the capital Kuala Lumpur, the state-run Bernama news agency reported.
The accident occurred at 8:45 p.m. local time when one of the trains, which was going on a test run and had only one driver, collided with a train carrying passengers.
Both trains, which are operated by Prasarana Malaysia Berhad, were traveling at 40 km (approximately 25 miles) per hour when they collided in a tunnel between the Kampung Baru and KLCC stations, state media said.


ジョンソン英首相、コロナを軽視 ウイルス注入も考えていた=前上級顧問 | ロイター


マスクなし「3密」イベントに6万人が参加 結果は?|テレ朝news


ファイザーワクチン 日本選手団と大会関係者2万人分無償で提供 | NHKニュース


五輪選手の訪日は例外 渡航中止勧告で米報道官:時事ドットコム


オフサイドルール、改正へ 来夏導入の見通し―FIFA:時事ドットコム


News Headlines - 25 May 2021

Risk of Nuclear War Over Taiwan in 1958 Said to Be Greater Than Publicly Known - The New York Times

When Communist Chinese forces began shelling islands controlled by Taiwan in 1958, the United States rushed to back up its ally with military force - including drawing up plans to carry out nuclear strikes on mainland China, according to an apparently still-classified document that sheds new light on how dangerous that crisis was.

Blinken announces US plans to reopen Jerusalem consulate | Al Jazeera

Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced on Tuesday that the United States will reopen its consulate general in Jerusalem - a move that restores ties with Palestinians, which had been downgraded by the Trump administration.
The consulate long served as an autonomous office in charge of diplomatic relations with the Palestinians. But former President Donald Trump downgraded its operations and placed them under the authority of his ambassador to Israel when he moved the embassy to Jerusalem.

Associated Press Begins Review of Social Media Policy After Emily Wilder Firing - The New York Times

The Associated Press has started a review of its social media policy after more than 150 staff members publicly condemned the firing of a young journalist for violating that policy... The news agency faced a backlash after Emily Wilder, a 22-year-old news associate who had joined the company in Arizona, was dismissed on May 19, three weeks after she was hired.
Ms. Wilder, who graduated from Stanford University in 2020 and had worked at The Arizona Republic, said in a statement on Friday that she had been the subject of a campaign by Stanford College Republicans, whose social media posts drew attention to her pro-Palestine activism at the university. She added that her editors had reassured her she would not be fired for her past advocacy work.

Military detain Mali’s president, prime minister and defence minister | Reuters

Military officers in Mali detained the president, prime minister and defence minister of the interim government on Monday, deepening political chaos just months after a military coup ousted the previous president, multiple sources told Reuters.
President Bah Ndaw, Prime Minister Moctar Ouane and defence minister Souleymane Doucoure were all taken to a military base in Kati outside the capital Bamako, hours after two members of the military lost their positions in a government reshuffle, the diplomatic and government sources said.
Their detentions followed the military ouster in August of President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita. The development could exacerbate instability in the West African country where violent Islamist groups linked to al Qaeda and Islamic State control large areas of the desert north.

EU imposes sanctions, cuts air links with Belarus over plane 'hijacking'

The European Union agreed Monday to impose sanctions on Belarus, including banning its airlines from using the airspace and airports of the 27-nation bloc, amid fury over the forced diversion of a passenger jet to arrest an opposition journalist.
Reacting to what EU leaders called a brazen “hijacking” of the Ryanair jetliner flying from Greece to Lithuania on Sunday, they also demanded the immediate release of the journalist, Raman Pratasevich, a key foe of authoritarian Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.


毛ガニ漁船転覆、3人死亡 ロシア船と衝突―北海道:時事ドットコム


日本の感染状況、最高レベル CDC分析もとに渡航中止:朝日新聞デジタル


CNN.co.jp : 英国の黒人活動家、頭部に銃撃受け重体


緑の党との連立反対 「選挙に負けたら野党」―ドイツ与党ゼーダー氏:時事ドットコム


IFA 2021「フルスケール開催」が一転、中止。新型コロナ対応で会場使用続くため - Engadget 日本版

世界最大規模の国際家電見本市「IFA」を主催するMesse BerlinとgfuConsumer&Home Electronics GmbHは5月19日(現地時間)、9月に開催予定だったIFA 2021をキャンセルすると発表しました。