
中国、科学者招請「千人計画」衣替え 米との摩擦減らす思惑か(毎日新聞)


ウクライナ、米と協調優先 軍事ヘリ企業への中国買収阻止 対ロ情勢打開探る :日本経済新聞


駐米大使、ロシアに帰国 「人殺し」に反発:時事ドットコム


CNN.co.jp : バイデン米大統領、専用機タラップでよろめく 「体調は100%良好」


「性行為同意アプリ」導入案に批判殺到 オーストラリア州警察 - BBCニュース


News Headlines - 20 March 2021

Japan decides to end COVID-19 emergency in Tokyo area on March 21

The Japanese government formally decided Thursday to end the COVID-19 state of emergency in the Tokyo region on Sunday as planned as infections have declined from their peak and the strain on hospitals has eased... Suga formally announced the lifting of the state of emergency in Tokyo and neighboring Kanagawa, Chiba and Saitama prefectures, the last areas of the country under the measure, at a coronavirus task force meeting after an expert panel approved the decision.

Communications minister admits to dinner with NTT president : The Asahi Shimbun

The head of the telecommunications ministry has admitted to having dined with the president of the telecommunications giant Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp., after a weekly magazine released details about the event.
The news comes amid an expansive wining and dining scandal that has beleaguered the ministry and led to disciplinary actions against a number of bureaucrats, along with two resignations.
After Bunshun Online broke the story on March 17, telecommunications minister Ryota Takeda acknowledged in the Diet that he had attended a dinner with NTT President Jun Sawada, a major industry stakeholder.

Japan Reviewing Government Use of Line App: Suga - JIJI PRESS

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said Friday that the government is reviewing the use of popular messaging app Line within the government, following the revelation that a Chinese affiliate of app provider Line Corp. once had access to personal data of Line users in Japan.
The prime minister vowed to make efforts to ensure information security within the government. He was responding to a question from a ruling party lawmaker at a House of Councillors Budget Committee meeting.

Why Georgia attack spurs fears in Asian Americans - The Mainichi

The shootings at three Georgia massage parlors and spas that left eight people dead, six of them women of Asian descent, come on the heels of a recent wave of attacks against Asian Americans since the coronavirus first entered the United States.
As details emerge, many members of the Asian American community see the Georgia killings as a haunting reminder of harassment and assaults that have been occurring from coast to coast.

Tanzania’s president dies of ‘heart condition’

Tanzania’s President John Magufuli has died at the age of 61, the government said Wednesday... Magufuli was admitted to the Jakaya Kikwete Cardiac Institute in Dar Es Salaam on March 6, where he was treated for chronic atrial fibrillation, a heart condition he had suffered for more than 10 years, Hassan said... Magufuli’s death came after two weeks of speculation about his health on suspicion of contracting COVID-19.


冒頭発言まさかの1時間超 米中会談、非難応酬の大波乱:朝日新聞デジタル


トルコ、女性へのDV防止条約から脱退:AFPBB News

トルコのレジェプ・タイップ・エルドアン(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)政権は19日、女性に対する暴力の防止と撲滅を目的とした「イスタンブール条約(Istanbul Convention)」からの脱退を発表した。
 イスタンブール条約は2011年に欧州評議会(Council of Europe)で採択され、ドメスティックバイオレンス(DV)や夫婦間レイプ、女性器切除の加害者の訴追に向けた法整備を批准国に求めている。

森鴎外の未発表書簡24通発見 外国文学の訳を部下に助言 | 共同通信


アイスランドの首都近くで火山噴火 約800年ぶり - BBCニュース


東京五輪パラ、海外客受け入れ断念 5者協議で決定 : 日本経済新聞


News Headlines - 19 March 2021

Japan's failure to recognize same-sex marriage is 'unconstitutional,' court rules - CNN

A Japanese court has ruled that not allowing same-sex marriage is unconstitutional, a landmark decision that could herald a new era for marriage equality in the country.
It's the first time that a court has ruled on the constitutionality of same-sex marriage in Japan, the only Group of Seven (G7) country that has not recognized either same-sex civil unions or same-sex marriage.
The case began in 2019, when three couples in Hokkaido prefecture filed a lawsuit claiming 1 million yen (about $9,160) in damages each for the psychological harm caused by the government not allowing same-sex marriage.

Mizuho to postpone bank unit's change at helm after slew of system failures -media | Reuters

Japan’s Mizuho Financial Group Inc will postpone replacing the head of its core banking unit to deal with a run of embarassing system failures over the past two weeks, domestic media reported.
The country’s third largest lender by assets had said it would replace Mizuho Bank CEO Koji Fujiwara with managing director Masahiko Kato from April as part of efforts to bring in younger management... Since late February Mizuho has suffered three ATM-related glitches as well as problems last Thursday that resulted in delays to foreign currency-dominated remittances, mainly affecting corporate customers.

Ex-YouTube star arrested in Tokyo for allegedly forcing school girl to send obscene photos - The Mainichi

Police arrested a former popular YouTuber on March 17 for allegedly forcing a high-school girl to send him obscene photos of herself.
The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD)'s youth development division arrested Mahoto Watanabe, 28, of Tokyo's Shinagawa Ward, on suspicion of violating regulations on acts relating to child prostitution and child pornography.

Super Mario attraction opens at USJ in Osaka after postponements | The Japan Times

Universal Studios Japan (USJ) on Thursday opened its ¥60 billion ($550 million) Super Mario-themed attraction in a major leap beyond the virtual world by games maker Nintendo Co... Entering through a giant warp pipe, visitors to Super Nintendo World, a real-world version of Mario games creator Shigeru Miyamoto's Mushroom Kingdom, are met with chomping piranha plants, punchable coin blocks and a flag-topped Mount Beanpole.

Naomi Watanabe reacts to insult: ‘I am happy with my body’ : The Asahi Shimbun

Popular entertainer Naomi Watanabe, responding to insults uttered by the Tokyo Olympic creative director, said she was comfortable with her body and urged people to be more accepting of those who are different.
Yoshimoto Kogyo Co., an entertainment company that manages Watanabe, posted her statement on its website on March 18 amid disbelief and outrage over Hiroshi Sasaki's remarks.


FRB、23年末までゼロ金利維持 物価は年内2%突破へ: 日本経済新聞


コロナ対応で不満噴出!カリフォルニア州知事のリコール署名|TBS NEWS


CNN.co.jp : アジア系に対する暴力や嫌がらせ、2カ月で500件超す報告 米団体


著名指揮者レバイン氏死去 77歳 セクハラ疑惑で米MET解雇:AFPBB News

米ニューヨークのメトロポリタン歌劇場(MET)を長年にわたり率いた著名指揮者ジェームズ・レバイン(James Levine)氏が死去した。77歳だった。同氏の医師が17日、明らかにした。レバイン氏はセクハラ疑惑が浮上しMETを解雇されていた。……レバイン氏は1970年代から40年間にわたりMETを率いたが、METは2018年3月、若い演奏家たちにセクハラ行為をしていた「信頼性のある証拠」が見つかったとして、同氏を解雇した。

スペイン、安楽死容認法案可決 反発の極右が提訴へ:時事ドットコム


News Headlines - 18 March 2021

Tokyo Olympic Official Resigns Over Proposal to Dress Woman as a Pig - WSJ

The creative director of the opening and closing ceremonies for the Tokyo Olympics offered to resign after confirming that he had floated the idea of putting a female celebrity in a pig costume during the opening ceremony.
The resignation offer casts a new shadow over the Games just four months before they are due to begin following the recent decision by the head of the event’s organizing committee to step down after making sexist remarks.
Hiroshi Sasaki, who was named head of ceremonies in December for the Olympics, said in a statement that in March 2020 he made what he described as a joking suggestion to colleagues in an online chat forum. He said he proposed dressing up Naomi Watanabe in a pink costume and calling her an “Olympig” during the opening ceremony.
Mr. Sasaki, who directed the flag handover ceremony at the 2016 Rio Olympics in which then-Prime Minister Shinzo Abe appeared in a Super Mario costume, said he realized the idea was inappropriate when his colleagues immediately criticized it.

Japan nuclear plant ordered to halt for lack of evacuation plans - The Mainichi

A Japanese court ordered Thursday the suspension of the Tokai No. 2 nuclear power plant, located northeast of Tokyo, citing a lack of evacuation plans despite persisting safety concerns over nuclear power generation 10 years after the Fukushima Daiichi accident.

High court allows utility to operate Ikata reactor | NHK WORLD

A Japanese court has ruled that a nuclear reactor in western Japan can be restarted, reversing an injunction order issued last year.
The Hiroshima High Court on Thursday handed down its decision on the No.3 reactor at the Ikata nuclear power plant in Ehime Prefecture, rejecting concerns about natural disasters.

Paris to enter four-week lockdown as France faces third Covid wave | The Guardian

The prime minister, Jean Castex, said on Thursday that France was in the grip of a third wave, with the virulent variant first detected in Britain now accounting for about 75% of cases. Intensive care wards are under severe strain, notably in Paris where the incidence rate surpasses 400 infections in every 100,000 inhabitants. “The epidemic is getting worse. Our responsibility now is to not let it escape our control,” Castex told a news conference.
France reported 35,000 new cases on Thursday and there were more Covid patients in intensive care in Paris than at the peak of the second wave.

Nineteen die in Madagascar after eating turtle | CGTN Africa

Nineteen people, nine of them children, have died from food poisoning in Madagascar after eating a turtle, sources said Thursday.
Thirty-four people were hospitalized on Monday in Vatomandry, in the east of the island, after eating the protected species, the Health and Food Safety Control Agency said.
Ten of them died, it said.
Another nine people, all of them children, died at home after eating meat from the same turtle, region’s governor said.


バイデン氏、移民に「来ないで」 入国希望者殺到で批判強まる:AFPBB News

米国のメキシコ国境に、何千人もの単身の未成年者を含む入国希望者が殺到し、批判が強まっている。これを受けてジョー・バイデン(Joe Biden)大統領は16日、移民に「来ないで」と呼び掛けた。
 バイデン氏に対しては、ドナルド・トランプDonald Trump)前政権の対移民強硬策の転換により、移民の急増に拍車が掛かっているとの批判が集まっている。

バイデン氏「プーチン氏は人殺し」 ロシアは駐米大使召還: 日本経済新聞


与党勝利、ルッテ首相4期目へ 親EU左派が躍進―オランダ下院選:時事ドットコム




CNN.co.jp : 月に「ノアの箱舟」建設を、地球滅亡に備えて670万種の生命を保管
