
イスラエルとハマスが停戦合意、エジプトが仲介 - WSJ


ロシアGDP、4期連続で減少 下院選へ与党に逆風: 日本経済新聞


ベラルーシ当局、大手ニュースサイトを閉鎖 ジャーナリストの拘束相次ぐ - BBCニュース


英BBC、故ダイアナ妃番組で謝罪 虚偽明細で取材交渉: 日本経済新聞


緊急事態宣言下でも五輪開催「イエスだ」 IOC実務トップのコーツ委員長 : 日刊スポーツ


News Headlines - 20 May 2021

House passes bill to create Jan. 6 commission amid strong GOP opposition

The House on Wednesday voted 252-175 to create an independent commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, but the bill faces a different landscape in the Senate, where it needs at least 10 Republicans and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell opposes it.
Republican opposition coalesced against the bipartisan legislation hours before the House vote, which passed largely along party lines. But 35 GOP House members voted in favor of the bill, showing that divisions remain within the party on issues related to former President Donald Trump.

The leading contenders for Iran’s presidency

As Iran prepares for a presidential election next month, two heavyweight conservative candidates have announced their candidacy, Ebrahim Raisi and Ali Larijani.
The current president, Hassan Rouhani, who is described as a moderate within the context of the Islamic Republic of Iran, will not be allowed to run for a third consecutive term... The Guardian Council’s approval, which will announce the approval list on May 27, is compulsory for the candidates to run for the presidency for the next four-year term.

India's holiest river Ganges is swollen with Covid victims - BBC News

Hundreds of corpses have been found floating in the river or buried in the sand of its banks. Those who live close to where they have washed up, in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, fear they are Covid-19 victims.
India has been overwhelmed by a devastating second wave of the pandemic in recent weeks. It has recorded more than 25 million cases and 275,000 deaths, but experts say the real death toll is several times higher.
The bodies on the river banks, taken together with funeral pyres burning round-the-clock and cremation grounds running out of space, tell the story of a death toll unseen and unacknowledged in official data.

China looks to send 3,000-strong media contingent for Tokyo Games - The Japan News

Shen Haixiong, the head of CCTV and a deputy head of the Propaganda Department of the Chinese Communist Party, held talks online with International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach on Tuesday, making clear that China will send more than 500 reporters to cover the upcoming Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. The size of the media delegation, including assisting staff, is said to be about 3,000.
Shen also told Bach that the equipment for live transmission of the Games has already arrived in Tokyo.

Berserk creator, Kentaro Miura, has died aged 54 - CNET

Kentaro Miura, the world-famous creator of the manga Berserk, has passed away at the age of 54. According to a statement by the editorial department of Young Animal Comics, where Berserk is serialized in Japan, he died on May 6 as a result of acute aortic dissection... Berserk, Miura's most famous work, began serialization back in 1989. A dark fantasy manga set in a brutal medieval-inspired universe, Berserk had an impact that can be seen in multiple works of fiction. Video games like Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Final Fantasy, alongside manga and anime such as Demon Slayer, Castlevania and Vagabond, all bear the mark of Miura's influence.


ビットコイン急落、3万ドル 最高値の半値、荒い値動き | 共同通信


米最高裁、中絶制限法を審理へ 保守・リベラルが対立: 日本経済新聞


NY州司法当局、トランプ氏一族企業を刑事捜査-民事から切り替え - Bloomberg


米給付金誤配、当局「返送を」: 日本経済新聞


スペイン領セウタに移民8千人殺到 モロッコとの対立深まる:AFPBB News

アフリカ北端のスペイン海外領土セウタ(Ceuta)の海岸に17日以降、国境を接するモロッコから過去最多となる約8000人の移民が流入した。スペインのペドロ・サンチェス(Pedro Sanchez)首相は翌18日、「秩序回復」を宣言して現地へ急行。スペインはモロッコへの外交圧力を強めている。

News Headlines - 19 May 2021

Pelosi calls for U.S. and world leaders to boycott China's 2022 Olympics | Reuters

U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday called for a U.S. diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, criticizing China for human rights abuses and saying global leaders who attend would lose their moral authority.

As census numbers puzzle, China upgrades birth data by 1m per year - Nikkei Asia

A week after releasing its 2020 census, China has begun revising demographic data for most of the preceding decade upward, raising concerns about the integrity of its statistics in the face of a looming population decline.
The government is adjusting the birth data for 2011 to 2019, which was based on a sample of about 0.1% of the total population. This comes on the heels of suspicion over how the 2020 head count of children greatly exceeded the total number of babies reported born in the years prior.
The National Bureau of Statistics is working to revise such numbers as the total population, births and the urbanization rate for 2011 to 2019, spokesperson Fu Linghui told a news conference Monday. The number of births will go up by about 1 million per year on average, he said -- the equivalent of a 6% increase for the entire nine-year period.

4 arrested over forged names on petition in Aichi recall bid : The Asahi Shimbun

Police arrested four people on May 19 in connection to a mass-forgery scandal stemming from a petition to recall Aichi Governor Hideaki Omura.
Aichi prefectural police arrested Takahiro Tanaka and three others on suspicion of violating the Local Autonomy Law by forging the names of residents in a campaign to oust the governor. The law forbids even signing petitions on behalf of family members who may be temporarily away.
Tanaka, 59, a former Aichi prefectural assembly member, headed the secretariat in charge of gathering the signatures for the recall. Police also arrested Tanaka’s wife, Naomi, 58, his second son, Masato, 28, and Michiyo Watanabe, 54, who worked in the secretariat.

Myanmar activists say more than 800 killed by security forces since coup : The Asahi Shimbun

More than 800 people have been killed by Myanmar's security forces since a wave of protests broke out across the country after the military seized power in a coup in February, an activist group said... As of Monday, 802 people had been killed in the junta's crackdown on its opponents, according to the activist group the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners.

Lost village emerges from Italian lake - BBC News

Repair works at a reservoir in Italy have revealed the remains of a village that had been submerged for decades.
Lake Resia, in the north of the country, is best known for the church steeple emerging from its icy waters... But with the lake temporarily drained, locals have been able to see the final traces of Curon, a village once home to hundreds before it was flooded to create a hydroelectric plant in 1950.
Lake Resia - or Reschensee as it is known in German - lies in South Tyrol, the Alpine region that borders Austria and Switzerland.


米、ユニクロ製品を差し止め ウイグル問題で―反論を却下:時事ドットコム


CNN.co.jp : 米アマゾン、映画会社MGMの買収交渉と報道


「つながる車」分野で新会社 自動車大手ステランティスと鴻海 | 共同通信


米東部でセミが大量発生 17年で羽化する「周期ゼミ」:朝日新聞デジタル


大谷翔平、984日ぶり3戦連発はキング独走14号ソロ 弾丸180キロ弾で5戦4発 | Full-Count


News Headlines - 18 May 2021

Japan's pandemic-hit economy logs record contraction in FY 2020

Japan's economy in fiscal 2020 shrank a real 4.6 percent from the previous year, the sharpest annual contraction on record, as the coronavirus pandemic dealt a debilitating blow to consumption and exports, government data showed Tuesday.
Down for the second straight year, the decrease in real gross domestic product, the total value of goods and services produced in the country adjusted for inflation, is the largest annual contraction since data began to be compiled in fiscal 1955, according to preliminary data released by the Cabinet Office.
The previous record contraction was a 3.6 percent shrinkage in fiscal 2008 logged in the wake of the global financial crisis.

Flaw in Japan vaccine reservation system leaves government red-faced | The Japan Times

The government said Tuesday it will fix a COVID-19 vaccine booking system fault that allowed reservations to be made using nonexistent application numbers.
The announcement came a day after the government started accepting online bookings for older people to receive shots at large Self-Defense Forces-staffed vaccination centers in Tokyo and Osaka as it attempts to ramp up its inoculation rollout amid a fourth wave of infections.
The state-run booking system for the vaccination center in Tokyo was found to accept municipality code numbers and vaccination ticket numbers that were not issued by respective authorities.

Gov't drops immigration bill with Sri Lankan's death in spotlight

Japan's government decided Tuesday to withdraw a bill revising rules on how to accommodate foreigners facing deportation, ruling coalition lawmakers said, amid criticism over the alleged improper treatment of a Sri Lankan woman who died while held at an immigration facility.
The abrupt decision to give up on the passage of the bill during the current parliamentary session through mid-June came amid growing concerns within the ruling camp that pushing through the amendment of the immigration law, which could worsen the conditions for asylum seekers in Japan, may invoke a public backlash.
In seeking to block the proposed legislation, opposition parties demanded the government get to the bottom of the case involving Ratnayake Liyanage Wishma Sandamali, 33, who was held at the Nagoya Regional Immigration Services Bureau and died on March 6 after complaining of stomach pain and other symptoms from mid-January.

Nomura completes unwinding of positions related to U.S. client

Nomura Holdings Inc said on Tuesday it has completed unwinding of positions related to an unnamed U.S. client, widely understood to be the collapsed investment fund Archegos Capital Management... In total, Nomura will incur $2.9 billion in Archegos-related losses, including some $2.3 billion already booked in the January-March quarter.

Appeal court says Air France and Airbus should be sent to trial over 2009 crash | The Guardian

An appeal court has ruled that Air France and Airbus should be sent to trial for “unintentional manslaughter” over the crash of a flight from Rio de Janeiro to Paris in 2009 in which 228 people died... On 1 June 2009, flight AF 447 was flying through a storm over the south Atlantic when it disappeared... A lengthy French investigation found that a combination of pilot error and technical problems had caused the tragedy.


ドイツ憲法裁、ECBの債券買い入れ巡り違憲性認めず | Reuters


米EU、鉄鋼・アルミ関税巡り交渉開始 貿易摩擦「休戦」: 日本経済新聞


AT&T「16兆円メディア」 ディスカバリーと新会社発表: 日本経済新聞


米、グリーンランド購入せず デンマークと関係修復図る:東京新聞 TOKYO Web


ボルボ・カー、年内の株式上場を検討…EV専業メーカーへ展開強化 : 読売新聞オンライン
