News Headlines - 24 May 2021

Tokyo Olympics: anger in Japan at IOC call to make ‘sacrifices’ | The Guardian

The International Olympic Committee’s insistence that “sacrifices” must be made to ensure the Games go ahead in Tokyo regardless of the coronavirus situation in Japan has sparked a backlash and more calls for them to be cancelled.
John Coates, an IOC vice president, drew criticism in Japan after saying the Games would proceed even if the host city was still under a state of emergency due to the coronavirus. “The answer is absolutely yes,” Coates, who is overseeing preparations, said when asked on Friday if he thought they could be delivered despite the restrictions... On Saturday, Bach, who has been criticised for referring to the “resilience” of the Japanese people, told a meeting of the International Hockey Federation: “The athletes definitely can make their Olympic dreams come true. We have to make some sacrifices to make this possible.”
While it was not clear to whom Bach was referring when he called for sacrifices to be made, many assumed he had the Japanese public in mind.

UN chief says world at ‘war’ against COVID-19 | Al Jazeera

The world is “at war” against COVID-19, the UN chief says, calling for the application of wartime logic to the inequitable access to the weapons needed to fight the pandemic.
Addressing the opening of the World Health Organization’s annual assembly of member states on Monday, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres decried the “tsunami of suffering” sparked by the coronavirus crisis.
He pointed out that more than 3.4 million people have died and some 500 million jobs have disappeared since the disease first surfaced in China in late 2019.

Black fungus: India reports nearly 9,000 cases of rare infection - BBC News

India has reported more than 8,800 cases of deadly "black fungus" in a growing epidemic of the disease.
The normally rare infection, called mucormycosis, has a mortality rate of 50%, with some only saved by removing an eye.
But in recent months, India saw thousands of cases affecting recovered and recovering Covid-19 patients.
Doctors say there is a link with the steroids used to treat Covid. Diabetics are at particular risk.

Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi appears in court in person for first time since coup | The Japan Times

Myanmar’s deposed leader Aung San Suu Kyi appeared in person at a court hearing on Monday for the first time since her government was overthrown by the military in a Feb. 1 coup, her lawyer said.
Suu Kyi appeared to be in good health and held a face-to-face meeting with her legal team for about 30 minutes before the hearing, lawyer Thae Maung Maung said.

'Demon Slayer' film tops 40 bil. yen at box office | NHK WORLD

The Japanese animated film "Kimetsu no Yaiba," or "Demon Slayer," has earned a record 40 billion yen, or about 370 million dollars in domestic box office sales.The film's distributor says nearly 29 million people have watched the movie in theaters across Japan from October 16 to Sunday.


旅客機着陸させ、反体制派拘束 ベラルーシ大統領が命令:時事ドットコム

ベラルーシ当局は23日、「爆発物の情報がある」として、領空を飛行していた旅客機を首都ミンスクの空港に緊急着陸させた。着陸後、同機に搭乗していた反体制派メディアの創設者が拘束された。……緊急着陸したのは、ギリシャからリトアニアに向かっていたアイルランドのライアンエア機。……同機には約170人が搭乗し、ベラルーシ軍のミグ29戦闘機が発進して誘導した。爆発物は見つからず、ライアンエア機はミンスクを離れ、リトアニアに到着した。 拘束されたのは、反体制派メディア「NEXTA」の共同創設者で元編集者のロマン・プロタセビッチ氏(26)。ベラルーシでは昨年8月の大統領選後、ルカシェンコ氏の辞任を求める抗議デモが拡大し、NEXTAは集合場所やデモの様子を詳しく伝えた。プロタセビッチ氏は昨年11月に治安当局の「テロリスト」リストに入り、ベラルーシは、同氏が亡命していたポーランドに身柄引き渡しを要求していた。

武漢ウイルス研究所職員、19年秋に体調不良で通院か 米報告書 - WSJ


Microsoft、IE(Internet Explorer)サポート終了は2022年6月15日 - ITmedia NEWS

Microsoftは5月19日(現地時間)、WebブラウザInternet Explorer」(IE)のサポートを2022年6月15日(日本では6月16日)に終了すると発表した。レガシーアプリをIEで使っている企業ユーザーに対し、後継WebブラウザMicrosoft Edge」の「IEモード」を使うよう勧めた。IEモードは少なくとも2029年まではサポートするとしている。……なお、2022年6月15日のIEのサポート終了は、Windows 10 LTSC(長期サービスチャネル)、Windows Server上のIE 11のデスクトップアプリ、MSHTML (Trident) エンジンには影響しない。

北極圏、持続型の開発を 評議会閣僚会合で一致: 日本経済新聞


コロナ禍の東京五輪実現に「犠牲を払わなければ」IOCバッハ会長 インドPTI通信が報道:東京新聞 TOKYO Web


News Headlines - 23 May 2021

Japan's Juvenile Law Amended for Tougher Penalties - JIJI PRESS

The revised juvenile law will come into force on April 1, 2022, together with the revised Civil Code, which will lower the age of adulthood in Japan from 20 to 18.
Criminal cases involving people aged 18 and 19 will continue to be covered under the revised juvenile law, under which people aged 18 and 19 will be regarded as specified juveniles.
The current framework of the juvenile law, which calls for sending all juvenile suspects to family courts, will be maintained in order to investigate circumstances behind their offenses, such as troubled family backgrounds.

China ultramarathon: Severe weather kills 21 runners - BBC News

Twenty-one runners have died after extreme weather struck a long-distance race in northern China.
High winds and freezing rain hit participants in the 100km (60-mile) ultramarathon in the Yellow River Stone Forest, a tourist site in Gansu province, on Saturday.
The race was halted when some of the 172 runners went missing, and a rescue operation was launched.

Beijing rebuffs Pentagon requests for high-level military talks | Financial Times

Beijing has rebuffed the Pentagon’s requests for talks between China’s top officer and the new US defence secretary, complicating bilateral relations at a time of heightened tensions between the world’s two most powerful militaries.
Lloyd Austin, US defence secretary, has made three requests to speak to General Xu Qiliang, vice-chair of the Central Military Commission and a politburo member who is China’s most senior military officer. But China has refused to engage, according to three people briefed on the impasse... In addition to the stand-off over Austin’s request, General Mark Milley, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, has not talked to his counterpart since early January before Joe Biden was sworn in, according to a second official.

U.S. sanctions Nord Stream pipeline companies; waives German entity, CEO -

The Biden administration on Wednesday sanctioned Russian companies and vessels participating in the construction of a Russia-to-Germany pipeline while exempting a German company and its chief executive from the punitive measures.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced the sanctions in a statement Wednesday, stating the department submitted a report to Congress designating several ships, five entities and one person to be sanctioned for their involvement in construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, a Baltic Sea pipeline that aims to meet Europe's energy needs by taping into Russia's mass gas reserves.
Of those named in the report, Blinken said he has determined "it is in the national interests of the United States" to waive sanctions for Nord Stream 2 AG, its CEO Matthias Warnig and the company's corporate officers.

Lady Gaga says she was 'psychotic' after being raped and left pregnant at 19 - CNN

Pop superstar Lady Gaga has spoken out about the lasting pain and trauma of being sexually assaulted as a teenager, revealing she suffered a "total psychotic break" years after being left pregnant by her alleged rapist.
The Grammy award-winning singer -- real name Stefani Germanotta -- recalled her harrowing experience in an emotional appearance on the premiere episode of "The Me You Can't See," a new docuseries co-created by Prince Harry and Oprah Winfrey that aims to tackle the stigma around mental health.
Gaga spoke through tears as she recounted the moment an unnamed producer demanded she take her clothes off before threatening to burn her music.


欧州議会、中国との投資協定「凍結」 対EU報復制裁で決議:時事ドットコム


ゴーン被告に500万ユーロの報酬返還命令=オランダ裁判所 | ロイター


店員殴った駐韓ベルギー大使夫人、外交特権行使の意向:AFPBB News

 報道によると、夫人が衣料品店から試着後に店を出たところ、店員が後を追い、着ている服について尋ねてもめた。店の防犯カメラの映像には、夫人が店員の腕を引っ張って頭部を殴り、さらに仲裁に入った別の店員の顔を平手打ちする場面が映っていた。……韓国は、公認の外交官とその家族の訴追免除を規定した「外交関係に関するウィーン条約(Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations)」に署名している。

「えんとつ町のプペル」がノミネート 世界最大のアニメ映画祭 | 毎日新聞

お笑いコンビ「キングコング」の西野亮廣さんが製作総指揮、脚本、原作を手がけた「映画 えんとつ町のプペル」が、世界最大規模のアニメーション映画祭「アヌシー国際アニメーション映画祭2021」(フランス)の長編映画コンペティション部門に選出された。吉本興業20日、公表した。……「アヌシー」は、1960年にカンヌ国際映画祭から独立して設立された。毎年、国内外から約200作品が上映されている。

仏マクロン大統領 東京五輪開会式に出席へ|日テレNEWS24


News Headlines - 22 May 2021

DR Congo: Volcano eruption prompts Goma evacuation | DW

The Congolese government said it was evacuating Goma, a city of nearly 2 million people, after the eruption of Mount Nyiragongo. Lava reached the city's airport but stopped short of the urban areas.

Instagram photo seems to show Princess Latifa in Dubai mall | The Guardian

Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum of Dubai, whose plight has captivated the world since a daring attempt at escaping her father across the Indian Ocean, appears to have been photographed in public for the first time in years.
In a picture posted to Instagram two days ago by both former Royal Navy member Sioned Taylor and another user, Princess Latifa is seated with two women at a cafe table in what Taylor identified as Dubai’s Mall of the Emirates.
While Instagram posts do not include metadata, which would show the date and time the photograph was taken, a cinema in the background carries adverts for the film Demon Slayer: Mugen Train, which was released in the UAE on 13 May.

Two-week snake search comes to end: Python found in Yokohama | The Japan Times

A roughly 3.5 meter-long pet python that managed to break free from an apartment in Yokohama earlier this month was caught alive Saturday, people involved in the search said... It was found in the attic of the apartment at around 4:45 p.m.
The owner of the python notified police of the incident on May 6 after returning to his second-floor condo in Yokohama and discovering that his pet snake was not in its enclosure.

Zhang Yiming, founder of TikTok owner ByteDance, is latest young Chinese CEO to depart - CNN

Zhang Yiming built ByteDance into one of the biggest names in Chinese tech. Now he's stepping down as CEO at just 38 years old, becoming the latest young tech entrepreneur in China to quit while leading a company on the rise.
Zhang - who founded Tiktok owner ByteDance in Beijing nine years ago - announced Wednesday that he would transition to a new role at the company at the end of this year and "focus on long-term strategy."

Martin Bashir interview: a broken man who can’t quite admit he wronged Diana | The Sunday Times

Martin Bashir tells Princes William and Harry he is “deeply sorry”. Speaking for the first time since he was found to have obtained his 1995 interview with their mother by deception and with his reputation destroyed, Bashir sounds like a broken man.
Yet he cannot quite bring himself to admit that he wronged the princess.


2050年までに温室効果ガス実質ゼロへ IEAが工程表まとめる | NHKニュース


長時間労働で「年間74万5000人が死亡」=WHO調査 - BBCニュース


カタルーニャ独立派、連立合意 州議会選から3カ月―スペイン:時事ドットコム


UBSや野村に計490億円制裁金、ソブリン債危機時に談合-欧州委 - Bloomberg


大規模緩和縮小の議論視野 米FRB、経済の急回復で | 共同通信


News Headlines - 21 May 2021

More wining and dining of Japanese ministry officials surfaces in broadcaster's probe - The Mainichi

A special investigation panel set up by broadcasting firm Tohokushinsha Film Corp. has turned up several more occasions where its employees dined with senior communications ministry officials beyond those already uncovered by an internal ministry probe, the Mainichi Shimbun has learned... Following an in-house investigation, the ministry reported in February this year that 13 officials including the then policy coordination vice-minister dined with executives of Tohokushinsha and its subsidiary a total of 39 times. Of the 13, 11 were subject to disciplinary actions including pay cuts and warnings for violating provisions of the National Public Service Ethics Code.
However, after the firm's investigative panel headed by lawyer Shinichiro Inoue and established that February interviewed employees and used digital forensic methods to analyze company emails, it confirmed other dining sessions not included in the 39 occasions listed by the ministry.

Shinkansen driver leaves cockpit for toilet while running at 150kph

A driver of a Shinkansen bullet train left the cockpit to use the bathroom while the train was running at 150 kilometers per hour with some 160 passengers on board in central Japan, Central Japan Railway Co. said Thursday.
The 36-year-old driver was out of the Hikari No. 633 train's cockpit for around three minutes after asking a conductor to take his place during his absence at around 8:15 a.m. on Sunday, with the train traveling between Atami station and Mishima station in Shizuoka Prefecture, said the operator known as JR Central.
The conductor, also 36, was not licensed to drive the bullet train.

Japan adds Okinawa to state of emergency | NHK WORLD

Japan's Prime Minister has confirmed the southern prefecture of Okinawa will be added to the coronavirus state of emergency... The move comes as Okinawa's daily case tally reached 207 on Friday, another record high.
The stricter measures will begin on Sunday, and last until June 20.

Antarctica gives birth to world's largest iceberg | Reuters

A giant slab of ice bigger than the Spanish island of Majorca has sheared off from the frozen edge of Antarctica into the Weddell Sea, becoming the largest iceberg afloat in the world, the European Space Agency said on Wednesday.
The newly calved berg, designated A-76 by scientists, was spotted in recent satellite images captured by the Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission, the space agency said in a statement posted on its website with a photo of the enormous, oblong ice sheet.
Its surface area spans 4,320 square km (1,668 square miles) and measures 175 km (106 miles) long by 25 km (15 miles) wide.

UFOs regularly spotted in restricted U.S. airspace, report on the phenomena due next month - 60 Minutes - CBS News

We have tackled many strange stories on 60 Minutes, but perhaps none like this. It's the story of the U.S. government's grudging acknowledgment of unidentified aerial phenomena- UAP-more commonly known as UFOs. After decades of public denial the Pentagon now admits there's something out there, and the U.S. Senate wants to know what it is. The intelligence committee has ordered the director of national intelligence and the secretary of defense to deliver a report on the mysterious sightings by next month.